
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Moutier, 27/11/2013

The Tornos Board of Directors confirms the public takeover offer made by Walter Fust

Today at 6:30am Walter Fust made a public takeover offer for all publicly held registered shares of Tornos Holding Ltd. at a price of CHF 4.70 per share. The Tornos Board of Directors acknowledges the public takeover offer and renounces to provide a recommendation regarding the acceptance or the refusal of the offer. It considers that the offered price for the registered shares is too low. The Board of Directors report is an integral part of the public takeover offer prospectus and can be obtained at the internet address With his public takeover offer, Walter Fust confirms his confidence in Tornos, while simultaneously guaranteeing the long term stability of the company’s shareholder base.