
Media release

Moutier, 05/04/02023

Tornos Annual General Meeting approves all Board of Directors’ proposals

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting held on April 5, the shareholders of Tornos Holding AG approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors. They approved the annual report, consolidated financial statements, and financial statements for the 2022 financial year and agreed to the proposals to carry forward the balance sheet result to the new account and to distribute CHF 0.30 per share out of the reserve from capital contribution to the shareholders.

The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association in connection with the revision of the Swiss company law were also approved by the shareholders of Tornos Holding AG. François Frôté, Michel Rollier, Walter Fust and Till Fust were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors for a term of one year. The shareholders also confirmed François Frôté as Chairman of the Board of Directors. PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Neuchâtel, was confirmed as statutory auditor for a further year. The shareholders further approved the total remuneration awarded to the Board of Directors and General Management for the period to the 2024 Annual General Meeting.

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Media release